From fear to share

From fear to share

FROM FEAR TO SHARE The six-months Natural Guide Program I created for 3P practitioners has come to an end for this season, and I’m so grateful, peaceful and content. It has been a journey I never could imagine. And that’s the exciting thing about this understanding,...
Accepting who you are

Accepting who you are

accepting WHO YOU ARE We’ve just finished the second weekend in my Natural Guide Program for coaches. And It’s been so amazing to witness how the group falls more and more into the acceptance of themselves as human beings, sees who they really are, and falls more into...
Hva gjør det umulige mulig?

Hva gjør det umulige mulig?

HVA GJØR DET UMULIGE MULIG? HVA GJØR DU NÅR TING SER HÅPLØST UT? HVORDAN VINNE EN FOTBALLKAMP 6-2, NÅR DU LIGGER UNDER 0-2 VED PAUSE? Hva gjør du når en situasjon ser håpløs ut? For noen dager siden, spilte vi en fotballkamp mot en av de to beste lagene i vår...