I started my career with getting a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a masters in Project Management. I worked as a system developer, consultant and Project Manager in the IT-business for many years before I uncovered my passion for coaching people back to who they really are so they can step into their full potential. I was drawn to becoming a coach when I realized I was in a job I didn’t enjoy but was afraid to quit. I was too scared to let go of a well-paid and secure job, and go into something new. But after a while I was exhausted and realized I was sabotaging myself by trying to play it safe. I saw that when I let go of my insecure thinking, I had the confidence to make a change. And from that place in me, there was a wisdom that knew where to take me… take me to what I really wanted and was meant to do at that time in life.
Since then, I have been trained and certified as a coach and mentor in Norway and the USA. I have been running courses and programs, and have coached hundreds of clients in finding their own confidence and freedom in life.
I have a passion for new experiences and adventures. I’ve been a European champion in soccer, traveled as a backpacker through South America and Oceania, and sailed as a crew and skipper throughout the world. I have two children and love to hang out with them, my family, colleagues and friends. I’m a soccer coach for both my daughter’s and son’s team. I like to go to the gym, run in the woods and take the bike for a ride to discover new trails to follow. I find equal joy in being in nature and sitting on a roller coaster, screaming out loud. I love hanging out with kind and loving people who are curious, want to see something new, have fun, slide into peace of mind, and chill from time to time.
A letter to a client
I know that being who you really are and being true to yourself can be hard at times. Especially when you feel insecure, worried or doubt yourself. It is easy to slide down the road of hesitation, or procrastination or hold yourself back. Or you do things you really don’t want to do, but you push yourself to perform, because you think you’re not good enough.
I know how it feels to realize that you’ve missed so many opportunities to do what you really want.
I know it’s difficult when you feel unworthy and choose to be comfortable, when you actually want to get out and experience, express yourself and feel alive.

That can change for you…it really can!
Life can feel easy again, full of joy, possibilities, and fulfillment.
Both you and I know, deep down, that there is a place for your true self and what you want to express. That you could do so much more, create what you really want, have more impact, and make a difference.
I will help you get out of your head and into your heart – where you already have what you need – a deeper feeling of confidence, courage, passion, and drive. From that place you can lower your shoulders, play, and create from your authentic self. You will connect with a natural flow that will guide you and move you forward, instead of you pushing yourself. And I know you can do it with much more love, ease, and joy than you ever thought possible.
I will be there for you, supporting you and guiding you along the way as we witness your natural unfolding.
I care deeply and want the best for you!
With love,
«Jeg vil beskrive Katrine Nysveen som ei lyttende og positiv dame med substans, livsvisdom og et vinnende vesen.
Kort sagt: Hel ved.»